Donate to IBN

If you wish to support IBN or the causes we promote, and do so by Credit Card/Debit Card, please click on the Donate button below.  It will take you to our online giving page that is managed for us by Stewardship.

The instructions are clear and you do not need to open a Stewardship account to use the facility, just click on the ‘Give as a guest’ button. If your support is for a specific project please make that clear when you reach the ‘Reference’ section of the process.

If you wish to give by Standing Order /Bank Transfer, please download and complete the relevant forms below.

If you wish to make a one-off contribution by bank transfer here are the account details:

The Co-operative Bank

Sort code: 08-92-99

A/c no: 65375615

Quote Ref: I B Networks

Please advise of your transfer to and we will acknowledge receipt of your contribution.

Cheques should be made out to IBN and sent to  IBN, 6 Millturn View, Dromore, BT25  1HG.

Thank you for your support - it is very much appreciated!